Skimming the blogosphere after a catching up with some beauty sleep, I have just been reminded on my Blackberry that Change has arrived by Compass, thanks Gavin, I was awake just after 2am when Pennsylvania was called for Obama and McCain was history. Tom Miller welcomed back sanity:
The big story, then, is that unlike every democratic victory since LBJ, it was won on a platform of fundamental change. Labour hasn't done this effectively since the 1960s. My generation of Labour activists believe that it is time.
Well, Tom I hope you won't mind me taking issue with you. it is not just your generation that believes it is time. My generation too includes people who understand the power of the Internet and traditional organisational skills to achieve change and think it is time.
Obama and the majority of the US electorate who voted for him have cleansed a stain from the US Constitution as set out by the founding fathers who owned slaves. We in the UK have yet to cleanse the stain from our unwritten constitution that allows a Prime Minister monarchical powers. When Labour sets out how no Labour Prime Minister will ever be allowed the powers of patronage and executive license aka the Royal Prerogative exercised in my lifetime by Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher, Callaghan, Wilson, Heath, Douglas Home, Macmillan, Eden, Churchill and Attlee then we will know that change has arrived here too.