Today's Stoke Sentinel is carrying a tantalising story here about a frantic search by Labour Party officials to find a replacement for Mark Fisher MP< who decided to stand down on health grounds earlier this week.
According to the Sentinel:
Once the post has been advertised, the NEC selections committee will
compile a long-list of candidates, from which regional and local party
officials will shortlist a handful of applicants.
I can only wish. I am sorry to be the conveyor of bad news, but the steps are as follows:
1. the long-list will be decided by in secret by persons, possibly Labour Party staff and maybe members of the NEC Special Selections Panel, using as yet unspecified criteria (I continue to live in hope all will be revealed at the next NEC meeting.)
2. interviews and shortlisting will be conducted by a panel of three members of the NEC Special Selections Panel (CLP observer not allowed by a vote of 8 to 1 of the NEC SSP).
Local members will then be offered the chance to attend local husting(s), put questions to the centrally selected candidates and vote. (Be grateful, be ever so ever so grateful.)
The only local consultation to date has been a telephone conference between the Labour Party West Midlands deputy regional director, and a curious pick 'n' mix of CLP officers. The Labour Party Rule Book is very clear about CLP officer posts. Its set out in Chapter 7, Clause IX, paragraph 2
The officers of this CLP shall be; chair, vice-chair, vice-chair/ membership, secretary, treasurer, women’s officer, youth/ student officer and ethnic minorities officer.
The only officers of Stoke Central CLP invited by the West Midlands regional office to take part in the consultation about whether the selection should be an All womens shortlist (AWS) or Open were chair, secretary, treasurer* and women's officer. I have asterisked the treasurer as there is a dispute between the NEC Organisation Committee (aka Org Sub) and Stoke Central about its 2010 AGM, which has been declared nul and void. This is despite the reported failure of the said treasurer to produce audited accounts for either 2008 and 2009. Needless to say there are local concerns about the incumbent who is also alleged not to have attended a CLP meeting for over a year.
Even if there had been a full slate of CLP officers, and there were no suspicions of a regional office agenda that might differ from that of the CLP, there is every likelihood that their advice will be ignored by my NEC 'colleagues'.
What is less certain is whether Mark Fisher's resignation as MP for Stoke Central featured in the Labour Party 2-year plan for Stoke. It keeps being referred to as the 'bible' for all the interventions being undertaken by the Labour Party. It remains as elusive as the Holy Grail. As a member of the NEC, I keep asking for a copy. NEC officers, the senior constitutional officer and regional staff keep barking orders at hapless Labour Party members in Stoke. Meanwhile, the opposition parties threaten to make further electoral ground at Labour's expense. I remain of the view it is unbecoming, petty vengence in the name of the Labour Party National Executive Committee against Labour party members in the city who had the courage to organise to rid Stoke of the despised Blairite elected mayoral model of local govenance.