Alex Smith, editor of Labourlist has a revealing interview with Labour Schools minister, Ed Balls. Tackled about apparent differences between himself and m'Lord Mandelson, Balls said:
"...our strategy of supporting middle and lower-income families is quintessential, classic New Labour."
There is a lot with which I agree in Balls' responses, but this repeated use of a damaged brand must be challenged by those charged with formulating the Labour Party's election strategy. The sooner it is erased from Labour's lexicon the better. Academic blogger Darren Lilleker thinks the expression had served its purpose even before the 1997 election. I agree. Haven't knowingly used it myself except in a pejorative sense for over 10 years.
Having listen to TU colleagues contributions to the policy debates at the NEC on Tuesday, I can only presume Balls has abandoned his leadership ambitions.