A lively exchange is taking place on Facebook about the Labour Party not being much of a campaigning organisation. It was provoked by Martin Rathfelder , director of the Socialist Health Association. As an outgoing member of the Health Commission, which I sat on as a member of the NEC, I drew attention at a policy seminar in Manchester to a campaign being mounted by my local branch about the ConDem NHS Reforms aka Lansley's lunacy.
It started with a report at our last branch meeting from a comrade who monitors health developments. She reported a consultation organised by a local GP practice about the reforms. We both attended and were surprised at the sheer bewilderment of our local doctors. We learned they themselves were looking for leadership from among their peers and that meeting were being arranged to reach a local consensus. A local patient consultative group was also calling a meeting.
So I posted this information under the heading 'NHS Reforms - patient options' on a bulletin board serving our neighbourhood. Views now total over 800 and members of the public are commenting. A local Labour Party response has been drafted, commented on and will be submitted to the official White Paper consultation site. it will also be copied to out local Conservative MP.
The point is that any voter could ring their local GP and ask what are their views of the NHS Reforms. But for Labour Party members here is a simple opportunity to show that our party is a campaigning organisation.