I'm listening to news that a letter signed by two former Blairite cabinet ministers both of whom are leaving Parliament - Patricia Hewitt and Geoff Hoon has been circulated to the PLP. This is a class of treachery reminiscent of Hazel Blears notorious resignation ahead of the Euro-elections. It should reinforce the view that the Parliamentary Labour Party's role in the election of Labour Party leaders must be neutered pdq. This does not require any change in the Rules. It just requires a commitment from the NEC to activate Rule 4.2 B. ii. The Leader/deputy leader nomination papers would be circulated after the General Election. In the meantime we have an election to fight.
BBC lobby correspondent James Lansdale is reporting scepticism about the move from Labour backbenchers with a future to worry about. Quite so. A check on the former defence secretary's expenses record and the former health secretary's extra parliamentary activities helps put their real interests in perspective.