Labour's ruling [sic] national executive committee (NEC) meets on Tuesday. With luck its members will have received papers in advance. At this point in its annual meeting cycle there should be a report on Conference 2012 arrangements and recommendations on possible changes to the Stitch-up Handbook aka as the Labour Party Rule Book.
You can't search the main Labour Party website. But I Googled:
labour party 2012 Annual Conference Rule change proposals
Some helpful hits appeared including one to the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy's Grassroots Labour site via The Socialist Campaign to Stop the Tories and the Fascists, which posted a pre-Conference 2011 report by Jon Lansman on the fate of constituency rule changes proposed the previous year.
Apologies for the long-winded account of the obstacles faced by mere members following procedure as set out in the Stitch-Up handbook. Lansman reported on 6 September 2011 rpt 2011:
So far, Refounding Labour has meant proposing to dilute the influence of party members by enfranchising non-members who become “registered supporters”, attacking union influence, seeking to prevent proper debate and decision-making by having just one vote on a single package of reforms, and failing to publish submissions to the review. Now party officials have found a new scam to prevent constituency parties having an input to the party structure — ruling out of order several rule changes proposed by constituency parties themselves, without any discussion by the Conference Arrangements Committee and just days before they met.
So the question for the Labour Party leadership, and members' elected representatives - whether from the trades unions or constituency sections - is it going to be stitch-up as usual or a fresh open and transparent approach?
Immediate publication of proposed NEC recommendations to Rule Changes to enable members to see what is going on would be a first step in the right direction.