In four weeks time on 13 November, the London Labour Party will be holding its biennial conference in Stratford Town Hall.
Our CLP has lined up a delegation, two men and two women, who have elected a Head of Delegation. But what is going to be discussed? Is there a Biennial Report and Accounts, are there resolutions to be voted on, is there an agenda? As a CLP secretary, I have no idea. How is the delegation going to be guided when it comes to choosing what should be debated?
I have access to Survey Monkey, so I could offer every member on eMail a chance to express a view on the performance of the London Regional Board, or set out preferences for debate, or choose whom the delegation should vote for to represent the region on the National Policy Forum. For most members it would probably be the first time they have ever even heard of the London Labour Party.
In this new bottoms-up Party of ours, I hope my avid readers close to our new Leader will be moved to have a think about the regional structures - listed as among the darker corners requiring a powerful light shined on them in my book.
The regional director might get a feather in his cap if he put all this material up on the regional party's website, if, of course, the powers that be let him. Think of the precedent it would create in the other 10 Labour regions. if you think every member has a right to know, toot for transparency.