Liberal Conspiracy is carrying news that 40 MPs have signed a statement calling for radical policies to be adopted in the 2010 Labour Party election manifesto. As a representative of the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance on the National Executive Committee, thanks to 16,464 members voting for me in the 2008 elections and my fellow members of Save the Labour Party making me their second preference in an all-member ballot to decide whom to back as part of the 2008 CLGA slate, we had a consult about our position ahead of the election.
Though STLP doesn't take policy positions in its work, we had a prior view of the MPs' version. Here's our write through:
CLGA organisations also believe that Labour must rebuild membership and activity . Internal Party democracy is essential. Interim reforms set out by the LabOUR Commission are in hand. Adoption of one member one vote -OMOV for National Policy Forum representatives at Conference 2009 was a start. We support an urgent review of party structures so essential reforms can be decided at Conference 2010. Members rights' to table resolutions and amend policy at Conference must be restored. Current CLGA NEC members are working now to restore full supervision and control over the party’s operations and finances to the NEC. All members must have confidence in the integrity of Labour's employees as its 'civil service', whose values of impartiality, integrity, honesty and objectivity should be beyond reproach."
- Equality, fairness and social justice can only be achieved by Labour making a much bigger investment in council housing for rent. Greening the economy is vital to tackle climate change and create more jobs. Fair pensions for all must be a right . Spending has to be increased in the NHS, state education, renewable energy and public transport. .
- Wealth creation goes hand in hand with more redistribution to boost living standards of the low-paid, unemployed, disabled , elderly and anyone disadvantaged. High pay should be regulated like the minimum national wage. Union rights to help safeguard employees from exploitation should be strengthened. Personal liberties are as important as national security.
- The whole of the financial sector, including retail and investment banks , must be taxed to pay for the global bailout. Savers and investors have to be better protected from wanton greed. Lending for social purpose must be restored
- Our international aid must be increased to 1% of GDP, and paid for by abandoning Trident, and bringing troops home from Afghanistan. Social Europe must be strengthened, and our commitment to the rule of international law never put in doubt again.