No sooner had I relished my barber's embracing a 50% tax band for those on over £150K a year, than the Thunderer reports:
And who might the source be? None other than the unelected, reverse transfer from the capital of unaccountability, m'Lord Mandelson of Hartlepool and Foy. Let's have a national debate about Labour taxation policy before the next election and offer the country a clear choice. This is not about a return to Denis Healey's taxing the rich until the pips squeak, it is about fairness.
Never has it been simpler to make the case for a living income for the low-paid (they tend to spend, big plus in times of recession) and question the claims of senior executives to mega-salaries (it's the risks, except when they miscalculate, then they expect the rest of us mere low-paid mortals to pick up the bill via government).
Time to lash up the loose can(n)ons in the Lords and bring on an elected second chamber.