Tiredness kicks in - time to listen to your body
Within hours of my first chemo treatment yesterday, my body was telling me to go to bed. It was the middle of the day. But experience with the radioactive thereapy two years ago taught me there was no point in fighting to stay awake. So off I went for a solid three hours. I had been warned by my chemo nurse that the treatment package might upset sleep. In preparation for the treatment, a heavy dose of dexamethasone - a steroid drug had been prescribed in tablet form and then intravenously - it gives you a bit of a high. So daytime slumbers were followed by a disturbed night. But it gave me a chance to ponder idly on those prostate cancer cells that had eluded the targeted molecular radioactive therapy in 2022/23. That treatment dealt very successfully with the cancer cells that popped up all round my pelvic area, in my spine and lymph glands around my neck. I remember the relish with which I was shown the results after each treatment. But still after six doses of Lutetium-177, some of then survived. I think of them as having created nuclear bunkers deep inside my prostate. When the targeted nuclear attacks ceased - it was time from them to start growing again and feed on what little testosterone is left in my body. This time I just have to hope the chemo finds them and kills them off once and for all. It is rather hit and miss. Today was little different, I was up early for a healthy breakfast of cereal and stewed fruit, then out to shop, collect a prescription and have elevenses with Tricia in our local Pret. Back home and tiredness whelled up. Fanicful ideas of reviewing a book for Chartist have been put on hold for another 24 hours.